Thursday, June 7, 2012

Paris (Diderot/Bobillot)

Conference all day at the main (new) campus of Paris VII-Diderot, in a new stylish neighborhood in the 13th, along the Seine, by the new Bibliotheque Francois Mitterand.  A long day of workshops but capped with a cocktail party at the Institute des Ameriques.  Photo below shows old and new buildings on the campus.

Dinner with a group from conference off the Rue Bobillot, in a new trendy former working class  area they call "Bo-Bo" (short for Bohemian Bourgeois--in the US I believe it's known as Boho Chic).  Photo below is an alley in the neighborhood.  We went to a restaurant called Bouche a Oreilles (literally mouth to ear,  means word of mouth). The walls were plastered with 33 LP record covers of American music like Sam Cook and Cyndi Lauper.  I had a salad with pate fois gras maison, raw milk cheese, and aged ham.  Chesnut ice cream for dessert.  I've learned to take an espresso after dinner.

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