Saturday, June 9, 2012

Paris (La Tour et Le Marché)

J. arrived yesterday (Friday) and my conference is finished.  We are renting a one bedroom flat in the at the border of the 7th (posh) in the 15th (not so posh, but we've a view of the Eiffel Tower from the window!).  This morning I went to the local marché a few blocks away.  Several blocks long and with the Eiffel tower in the background.  And ooh la la, everything from cheese to meats and fish, to fruits and vegetables, breads and pastries, as well as prepared food (French, North African); plus assorted clothing, shoes, costume jewelry, DVDs, etc etc.  The produce food looked so delicious so in addition to bread, cheese,  paté, and strawberries,  I bought food for us to eat in tonight -- a spit-roasted chicken, haricots verts, potatoes, salad greens, and the most gorgeous heirloom tomatoes (see below).

apricots and cherries

coupon from the roast chicken vendor

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