Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lady Hu

I wanted to take JGN to the National Theater (aka The Egg) but there were no performances scheduled during our stay.  So we went to see some Peking Opera at Huguang Guild Hall (湖光會館), built in 1802 and a famous opera venue.  It was also where Sun Yat-sen proclaimed the Guomindang (Nationalist Party) in 1912.  The opera hall had magnificent stage and the opera was in the old style, with audience sitting at tables and served tea and little snacks.  We saw excerpts from three stories, the last one about Lady Hu, who valiantly fights her enemies.


Unknown said...


Thanks for taking me on your travels with you...what wonderful photos, and I love your narrative. I sent it to our daughter Liz and her fiance Ethan, because they were in Shanghai last year working on a project for school.

Great stuff!

Unknown said...
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