Saturday, June 29, 2013

We love CQ hot and spicy

Chongqing is famous for hot and spicy food. They use fresh Sichuan green peppercorn, chile peppers (fresh and dried, green and red), hot chile oil, any which way of hot...  Most dishes we had were  five-alarm hot --or more!  I could not find a recipe for double spicy chicken (second photo below) but link at left is something similar.  JGN and I disagree on which dish was hottest -- double hot chicken or noodles in hot chile oil.  Beer, which is the best (and necessary) compliment for food this hot, comes in big bottles but is weak (3.5%), like USA near-beer. We drank lots of it. 

L-R: pickled turnip (not hot), sauteed veggie (not hot),
tofu strips and young scallions (very hot)

"shuang la ji" 双辣鸡, double spicy chicken, a mountain of
fresh green peppercorns and green chile peppers with chicken.
(Chicken is not the main ingredient, but an excuse for the peppers)

pork with chile peppers (medium hot)

noodles with chile oil. Elegant but deadly hot.
 I could not get past the first bite but JGN ate it all.

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