Wednesday, March 26, 2014

China and France BFF ...and the Smoking Dog

China's President Xi Jiping arrived in Paris today on a state visit, part of his whirlwind European tour. JGN had gone down to Invalides and came across his arrival there, at the Cour d'Honneur (JGN was standing in the archway at top right) with much pomp (Republican guard, band playing the anthems, March of the Volunteers and La Marseillaise, etc etc), but no photos allowed (above courtesy internet).   Yesterday when we were on the Champs Elysees we noted the boulevard was decked with French and Chinese flags. The local papers are all touting "win win"diplomacy re trade and Russia, etc. 

Later we met up at our new fave local bar, Au Chien qui Fume.

... the smoking dog. In our neighborhood, cor. Blvd Montparnasse and Rue de Cherche-Midi. Not to be confused with a more famous restaurant with same name on the right bank; this one is definitely the lesser venue. But--this evening we had the eponymous house cocktail, made of champagne, raspberry juice, grapefruit juice, and armagnac.  very yummy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mae! Don't drink and blog!