Thursday, April 3, 2014

My grandfather's thesis, part 2

I met Patrick today to return my grandfather's thesis, which I had scanned.  We met at Cafe de Flore on Blvd. Saint Germain. (We sat upstairs where there are leather banquettes and old wood tables. This is the quiet part of the cafe, and it is actually up here where Jean Paul Sartre wrote... not downstairs where it's "see and be seen"). Anyway P. had the idea that there might be a copy of the thesis in the U.S., since the University of Paris published its doctoral theses in those days and they were therefore considered books.  Reprising an earlier moment, he took out his iPad and  checked worldcat (global library database).  Et voilá -- it's in the Columbia Law School Library!  We nearly fell out of our chairs laughing.There are actually copies in 23 libraries worldwide, but Columbia is the first to appear.  It's also been digitized and can be viewed on the Hathi-Trust website -- go to

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Full circle! Great story Mae. God bless Worldcat!