Friday, May 21, 2010

Shanghai-World Expo

Trip to Shanghai with Ma and Ahee. The World Expo is big, bigger, biggest with gi-normous crowds. We refuse to stand on line anywhere but many pavilions have special entry for seniors so we do go into quite a few. Above we are on the roof terrace of the India pavilion with China pavilion in background (for which tickets are simply unavailable). India featured an amazing 5-minute long, and large, holographic presentation. The technology in many of the pavilions is very sophisticated.

We stayed in a simple but clean hotel near my cousin Jingfu's house in the Hangkou district (north of city center), the old Japanese concession. This is their condo, and the view from it.

This is us with Jingfu with his wife, I-ping, and their son Pan, a college sophomore (Spanish major).

South Korea

Spain: the outside is covered with pieces made of woven reeds. (All pavilions will be deconstructed after expo is finished; most of the materials will be recycled. Only China pavilion and some of the thematic buildings on urban life, science and technology, are permanent.) Inside is 6.5 meter (21 feet) robo-baby. Her head moves, her eyes blink, and she breathes. Cool or creepy? Not sure what the message is.

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