Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rainy Saturday morning

My brother is in town for the weekend. It's raining but we go out to satisfy his craving for shenjianbao--Shanghai style bottom-fried dumplings. The best place is called "qi hao" (number seven), for it's next to the number 7 exit of the Guting subway station. We get all three kinds, meat, cabbage, and leek, to take home for lunch.

On the way back to catch the no. 74 bus I take him through the little lanes behind Shida Road. We stop to get zua-bing, which is a scallion pancake that the cook fluffs up while griddling it so that the layers separate. We get one with a scrambled egg cooked with it. I eat mine with garlic sauce; he eats his plain.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Why history---you have a career as a food writer!