Monday, June 7, 2010

Salt mountain

A tourist stop on the way to Tainan, near the salt flats, with a salt mound and tourist stands, including these guys selling dried fish and goose eggs (enormous), offered raw, boiled plain, and boiled in traditional medicine. There was a store selling salty toothpaste, seaweed shampoo, etc. We had a "salty" ice cream bar, not really salty but savory, egg flavored with big pieces of walnuts in it (pretty good).

In Taiwan, people will create a tourist stop out of just about anything. The vendors gather and so there are snacks, drinks, knick-knacks, sunhats, toys, etc etc etc. The tour buses stop (undoubtedly there are kickbacks). Basically they have figured out how to make money around a bathroom break. We also went to an old sugar mill (no longer operating) near Taichung, same kind of deal.

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