Monday, June 7, 2010

Southern Taiwan

My aunt's office took its annual excursion this weekend. Six busloads (!!) of people went to the southern part of the island, to Tainan city and environs (about four hours from Taipei). Very hot (in the 90s) but not humid. More activities than you want to know about. This and the following few posts are some highlights.

Here, outside of Tainan, the "Ten Drums" group, which is housed in an old sugar mill complex. A very large place, with big spaces for performances, classes, museum, etc. etc. etc. (Part of an apparent global trend to use former industrial spaces for artistic purposes. See earlier posts on Beijing 798 and Shanghai Tianzifang, both of which refer self-consciously to NYC's Soho.) The performance was quite good. Though I would say the Ju drum group, Taiwan's premier percussionist ensemble is better (see earlier post on MuLan).

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