Thursday, June 12, 2014

Kyoto- Doshisha

S. and I took the bullet train to Kyoto today.  We bought bento boxes in the station--salad, miso fish, and these little tofu skin and beef rolls (all yummy ).  Heading west there were rice paddies in the small towns.  I spoke at the American studies colloquium at Doshisha university, a private university started byProtestant  missionaries in the 19 century.   Our hosts took us to dinner (Japanesey-French) at a restaurant on the top floor of the law school, with fabulous views of the mountains that surround Kyoto on three sides.

Our bullet train bento

View from train

Doshisha campus--old and new buildings

Random rabbit place near campus-- a crepes restaurant

Kyoto has limit on building heights, hence this view to the east from 7th floor restaurant

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