Saturday, June 14, 2014

TOKYO migrants & monja-taki

International symposium hosted by Center for Pacific and American Studies at U-Tokyo, on building immigrant nations...  presentations on US, Australia and Europe, and a great turnout (competing with World Cup!)

The symposium was followed by reception and then we went to dinner.  We went to a funky place in an alley of Shibuya, which used to be crammed with jazz clubs but now there are  just a few places left.  We went to one called Taru-ya or The Keg, established 1936.  Jazz photos of the greats on "authentic" fake paneling.  We had Japanese BBQ with both veggies and various meats (pork, also mutton and beef tongue & heart) and lots of beer, followed by "monja-taki," a concoction made of bits of mochi, egg, ginger, soy, and cooked on the grill until it is crispy underneath. (Usually made with squid or bits of meat but we had it with corn because one of the guests was vegetarian).  Our host said it was real "downtown" food meaning not high class. No one could translate "monja".

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