Monday, June 9, 2014

Manchuria redux

After two days in Beijing I fly up to Changchun.  I opted for a better hotel this time (nice view from 20 floor), because it has a swimming pool (indeed, I swam nearly every day at 5:30 am!).  About half the students took my class last year so it was really nice to see them again.  We powered through two monographs (one about Jewish diaspora from Bialystok, Poland, the other about Mexicans and European copper miners in Arizona) and several articles --all in English -- in two weeks, quite a challenge for them.  On the second day the finals of the national championship of the China University Basketball Assoc. took place (I got a tee-shirt that says "CUBA"), and since NENU won last year, the games were held here.  I went with two students who are ardent fans, one a US history student and the other a medievalist (selfie below).  It was crazy, just like the NCAA finals. We beat Guangdong Tech (a good team) in a close game to win the championship again.  #33 is MVP and going to the pro-league (CBA).

in front of NENU library

view of Peoples Square from my hotel room

we won!

part of opening ceremonies--each department of the university shows its flag. can you imagine History, Physics, etc etc parading the court at Dodge gym?

Shopping  here is not easy.  There is a Walmart across from the hotel but it was not very good. There is also a luxury mall next door, with Prada and Gucci etc etc for the Chinese nouveau riches, and it was a week before I discovered the fancy food market in the basement (I got imported cheddar, imported milk and mangosteens) and the food court on the top floor.  I also had two meals at Jiaozi Wang (King of Dumplings) which were awesome.  I have come to like dongbei (northeast) cuisine which is famous for its tofu, rice, and dumplings, and wild vegetables that are grown on Changbai mountain.

Mangosteen -- shan zhu -- my very most favorite fruit

NENU campus, walking to dinner with professor (on left) and students

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