Saturday, June 14, 2014


[Sunday] My flight is this afternoon but Yuki helps me squeeze in some last minute shopping.  We ride in a typical spotless Japanese taxi with lace seat covers and white gloved driver; this one also has a free phone charger.

There is a huge stadium viewing of Japan's game at World Cup at the Tokyo Dome plus public showings on big screen TVs in shopping mall lobbies...  The bars in Shibuya are packed with young people drinking beer and watching the game.  On our way to Tokyo Station we saw a phalanx of police buses heading to Shibuya-- if Japan wins there will be wild celebrating in the streets  We have a quick ramen at Tokyo station before I head to airport on the Narita Express.

Tokyo Dome on right, amusement park on left. 

Tokyo station (one end).  The domes were destroyed in WW2 bombing and just restored a couple years ago.


Terry said...

Japan-Greece play to WC!dead heat today. Many more Japanese fans than Greek seemed.

Terry said...

Japan-Greece play to WC!dead heat today. Many more Japanese fans than Greek seemed.